September 2021

In our next issue, we look at high-speed rail, exploring the latest developments of the world’s fasted train networks. 

For the first time in history, visitors to Tibet can experience mountain views at high speed on the region’s first ever bullet train. Stretching over 435km, the line features 47 tunnels and 121 bridges, including the largest and highest arch bridge of its kind in the world. We explore the engineering challenges involved in developing the route and take a look at the trains that will run on it.

We also explore China’s plans to build a 13,000km high-speed rail line under the sea to Alaska via Russia and look into the legal challenges faced by the UK’s high-speed project, HS2.  

Also in the next issue, we take a look at Sweden’s new night train service from Stockholm to Berlin travelling via Denmark, and find out how the UK Government is supporting technology innovation aimed at improving the rail passenger experience in a post-Covid-19 world.  

Plus, we discuss whether rain guards should wear body cameras to help combat abusive behaviour aboard trains, and check out a research project using AI to translate station announcements into sign language to help passengers with hearing impediments. 


EditorBerenice Healey
Writers | Ilaria Grasso Macola, Frankie Youd
Magazine Designer | Noemi Balint
Designers | Filipe Costa, Anett Arc, Maria Gimenez, Marzia Del Gaone, Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Dimeji Akinkuolie, Will Ingham

Lead Designer | John Hammond

Publisher | Susanne Hauner

Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick +44 207 936 6909

Sales Manager | Tom McCormick 

+44 207 936 6909


For media partnership enquiries please contact: Susanne Hauner

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