Next Issue

May 2025

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Railways are in a strong position to entice passengers in a great modal shift from planes to trains. In our next issue, we'll take a deep look at the newest environmental initiatives taking place in the railway sector that will help boost environmental credentials.

We'll also take a look at the latest light rail projects being undertaken in major cities, as local authorities try to shift travel off busy roads.

In the meantime, keep up to date at @FutureRail_Mag


Editor | Peter Nilson

Writers | Keri Allan, Patrick Rhys Atack, Alejandro Gonzalez, Peter Nilson

Graphic Designers | Anett Arc, Noemi Balint, Miriam Garofalo, Will Ingham

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick
+44 207 8669440

Cover image credit: John D. London via Shutterstock

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