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September 2023

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Next issue, we take a look at the latest developments in Railway Engineering and Fire Safety.

As the impact of the climate crisis worsens each year, wildfires are becoming ever more common across the globe. But how can railways mitigate the risk against them?

We'll also be profiling some of the latest railway projects around the world, taking a look at the latest feats of engineering.

In the meantime, keep up to date at @FutureRail_Mag


Editor | Peter Nilson

Writers | Victor Kotsev, Peter Nilson, Sebastian Shehadi, Cat Vitale

Graphic Designers | Noemi Balint, Anett Arc, Will Ingham, Miriam Garofalo

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick
+44 207 8669440

Cover image credit: John D. London via Shutterstock

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