A large number of MOVAX piling equipment are utilised specifically and exclusively on the rail roads. PRM & Movax Oy are strongly committed to continuously develop their products and services, and Movax is today the world’s leading developer of excavator-mounted, modular side-grip pile driving technology
Whether the intention is to construct or repair rail roads, underway passages or platforms, build piled foundations for electrical overhead lines or traffic signals, construct noise reduction walls or install gantry masts, the MOVAX way-of-piling (and -handling) is inherently safe, fast, efficient and accurate. The use of MOVAX piling equipment means that the entire process and work can be done without manual handling and/or assisting machinery; even - and especially -when limited space or headroom is available.
Since becoming a dealer for Movax Oy in 2014, PRM have overseen significant adoption across the range of Movax Piling and Pile Driving Solutions in Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Region.
PRM have factory trained engineers to support the local Movax fleet requirements and are available for sales, installation, service and parts delivery locally.
MOVAX piling and handling equipment can be utilised on all kinds of excavators, railroaders and carriers. MOVAX has cooperated on numerous projects and comprehensive joint developments with a number of OEM specific rail excavators and is undoubtedly the best solution for working on the rail roads.

Rail customers
Movax Oy has Rail customers in several countries, including the UK, Germany, India, Brazil, Belgium, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Russia, USA and Canada.
MOVAX has an exceptionally strong position in projects ranging from rail road electrification to rail road repair & maintenance as well as platform, traffic signal and post, and embankment related work. A contractor’s “MOVAX capability” is actually a pre-requisite for some network providers in rail to be able to work on these projects.
The comprehensive range of MOVAX piling equipment includes vibratory-type, side grip PILE DRIVERS, impact type, hydraulic PILING HAMMERS, PRE-AUGERS and telescopic PILING DRILLS. In addition, Movax Oy develops and manufactures MANIPULATORS for handling purposes. MOVAX piling and handling equipment is controlled with the state-of-the-art MOVAX Control System ( MCS).
MOVAX piling equipment provides the safest and most productive solution for permanent/temporary retaining walls and piled foundations when working on the rail road.
MOVAX way-of-piling provides the optimum solution for piling companies working on the tracks.

Contact Us
Premier Rock Machinery
Unit 4, 30 Gardens Drive
Willawong, QLD, 4110 – Australia
Tel: +61 (0)737 112 779
Web: www.premierrockmachinery.com.au/movax-2
Email: PRM@premrock.com.au