Roll instead of lubricate!
Maintenance free switch point rollers
- robust design
- 100% lubrication free
- over 25 years experience
- payback period less than 2 years
- no speed
- simple installation, also in existing turnouts
- no dismounting for tamping, milling or grinding
- the only permanent flexible roller system worldwide
- reduces your maintenance costs and improve your track availability!
Innotrans 2018
Berlin (Germany)
18.09.- 21.09.2018
Hall 25, Booth 407
Plant Enzesfeld-Caro
FabrikstraBe 2
2551 Enzesfeld,Austria
Tel. +43 (0) 2256 / 81145
Fax +43 (0) 2256 / 82248
Innovation in Switch Point Construction
‘Roll instead of lubricate’ is Austroroll®’s motto, a maintenance- free roller device for railway switch points.
Austroroll stands for a maintenance-free switch point roller that sets itself apart due to its impressive robustness, simple assembly and high operational efficiency. In this regard, its significant advantages are that the necessary operating force is drastically reduced and that the lubrication of the slide plates, which is normally essential at regular intervals, is no longer required. This minimises both operating costs as well as switch point malfunctions and protects the environment. This is why the throwing force can be reduced up to 60% and amortisation time is below 2 years.
Since 1992 it is successfully used by the most important European railway companies. Up to now, more than 200,000 AUSTROROLL® units are in operation as well in the heat of the Australian outback or in the snow of the Austrian alps. In addition, private and industrial railway operators also depend on Austroroll®’s reliability and the fact that it requires no maintenance, especially under difficult ambient conditions such as excessive heat, cold, ice and dirt.
Austroroll® does not influence tamping or grinding activities and remains during these procedures in the turnout
Now also for moveable swing noose crossings!

Plant Enzesfeld-Caro
FabrikstraBe 2
2551 Enzesfeld,Austria
Tel. +43 (0) 2256 / 81145
Fax +43 (0) 2256 / 82248
AUSTROROLL® HSR – for moveable frogs
The patented Austroroll® frog roller (HSR) is a rolling device for frogs with spring-action point for high-speed points.
Up to now the slide plates of these frogs had to be greased regularly to ensure that the movement from one end position to another was as low-friction as possible.
Austroroll® frog roller, the solution for spring-action frogs.
The principle of functioning is similar to that of the proven Austroroll® rolling device in the switch device area. However, in the frog area, the very cramped space conditions do not enable any direct installation of rollers at or under the moving frog point. The functioning of the lifting of the frog during the travelling motion is assumed by a deflecting bracket, which can be directed over two rollers mounted to the side of the wing rails – installed under the frog point. At the start of the travelling motion it lifts the frog point, transports it into the other end position and replaces it there again. Greasing of the “slide plates” is no longer required.
This Austroroll® idea was registered for patent in 2010. Numerous points have already been fitted with Austroroll® frog rollers Europe. In all cases, the operators are very satisfied with the results. They thereby save tedious and time-intensive greasing of moving frog points. The combination of Austroroll® switch rollers and Austroroll® frog rollers leads to completely grease-free points.

Plant Enzesfeld-Caro
FabrikstraBe 2
2551 Enzesfeld,Austri
aTel. +43 (0) 2256 / 81145
Fax +43 (0) 2256 / 82248