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C.A.T.E.R develops cost-effective rail inspection systems refined by a long experience in train borne, road-rail and portable carriers.
We provide quality engineering in the rail industry focused on predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, flaw trending, and an extensive range of rail specific instrumentation products.
The company embraces developing tailored solutions in response to our customers’ needs.
More than 21 year providing reliable rail flaw detection systems, bespoke engineering, support and services to the railway industry.

C.A.T.E.R Technology: We offer a range of Rail Flaw Detection; Video Identification; Surface Condition; Post Processing Software & Analysis Systems and hand operated measurement tools.
C.A.T.E.R Services: We also offer services; Rail Audit, Systems Engineering, Training and Contract Rail Testing.
A proudly Australian ISO 9001:2015 Quality Assured Company