Harrybilt Engineering and Welding Services is a family owned manufacturing business, established in 1985. They have provided specialised engineering services to local and interstate customers for over 33 years. Starting out as a small engineering company, Harrybilt Engineering have developed significant experience in the rail industry. Quickly becoming the supplier of choice all over Australia for Road Rail Trucks, Excavators and Trailers, along with Rail Maintenance Attachments and Work Tools.
Over the years, Harrybilt Engineering have developed their Fabrication, Machining, Hydraulics and Painting capabilities along with a large overhead crane. With these features, they are able to provide an end to end solution for all project needs.
All the equipment is built to withstand the toughest conditions and by listening to customer feedback, the team are always improving. Harrybilt Engineering are often challenged with specialist rail problems where the team are able to design and manufacture a customized product. This year, they have adding new products to their Rail Maintenance Attachment list. This includes the Sonic Rail Scrubber, the Rotating Head, Light Weight Tamper 2, 1.5m Centipede Undercutter Bar and many more have been introduced.
New Products
Sonic Rail Scrubber
The Sonic Rail Scrubber cleans the rail head of rust and grime on old rail allowing for efficient metal to metal contact and improves rail detection. We have produced four that have been sent to rail customers with many more inquiries for this new product. The key features for the Scrubber is it suites all 3 gauges, is fully insulated, runs at 3,000rpm, requires low oil flow to run and is a 600kg attachment.

Rail Maintenance Products
Harrybilt Engineering have great customer feedback on many of the Rail Maintenance Products. These products include the Flat Rail Trailers, Rail Threaders, Platypus, Tampers and many more.
Flat Rail Trailers
This product comes in a variety of sizes; 750kg Trailer, 3 Metre, 4 Metre, 5 Metre, 6 Metre Flat Top Trailers along with 2 Wheel and 4 Wheel Skeleton Trailers. Each Rail Trailer features gauge change wheel sets for narrow, standard and broad gauge track along with a twist function and has four fully insulated wheels making all Harrybilt Engineering Trailers compliant to any Australian Network Standards.
Rail Threader
Developed by Harrybilt Engineering, this piece of equipment has been specifically designed to provide an efficient method of handling rail. It has proved itself as a reliable performer and has contributed to the laying and maintenance of many hundreds of kilometres of rail track across Australia.
The Platypus Concrete Sleeper Handler has been designed to simplify and speed up the safe replacement of railway sleepers within any rail network of Australia. The choice of this specialist piece of equipment is an investment and a cost effective means to replace railway sleepers with minimal manual handling input.
The grab has been designed to pick up and side insert concrete sleepers under rail line while the blade allows for the efficient removal of excess ballast for ease of sleeper insertion. The Platypus comes in a varity of sizes and appiled features to suit any Rail Maintenace activity and machine size.
Designed by Harrybilt Engineering to efficiently compact ballast rail under sleepers, the tamper is a robust and durable piece of equipment designed to with stand the harsh nature of this rail industry. The Tamper comes in a variety of sizes to suit any machine size and also includes a Twin Tamper option

Contact Us
Harrybilt Engeneering
10 Golden Crescent,
Ballarat VIC 3350
Tel. 03 5339 4859
Email: info@harrybilt.com.au